Hi there.
I am William.

I am a Full Stack Developer.

Hi, my name is William Hunt Jr. I love my job and my customers. I enjoy writing code in all languages, but my primary focus is front-end React.js development. I have experience with custom REST API development using Python/Flask.

I containerize all of my React applications with Docker, with scalability in mind. This allows for easy deployment to container orchestration platforms, such as Kubernetes.

For automated tasks, I utilize Jenkins build pipelines and GitHub Actions. Updates to your application are streamlined and will be automatically applied on commit. I will provide an additional staging environment to test updates before merging to production.

Go to my GitHubView my projects

Why choose me?

Here are some reasons why.


I will code your app.

With Modern Frameworks

For the majority of my projects, I use React.js for the front-end framework. With this framework, I can very easily and quickly prototype applications. As an addition to your front end, I will provide a fast and secure backend API using any framework or language of your choice.


I will build your app.

With automated processes

After I have a prototype in place, I set up the staging environment with automated build processes. As part of the development cycle, I will push iterations to the staging environment for testing. When ready to go live, the staging environment and build pipelines are copied to production.


I will test your app.

With integration and unit tests

Lets face it, writing unit tests can be difficult and time consuming. When it comes to testing your code, I will write unit tests for the most important parts of your application.


I will deploy your app.

To ECS or Kubernetes

Proper deployment processes are crucial for success. I can build Jenkins pipelines or GitHub Actions to deploy your applications to ECS or Kubernetes.

The things I enjoy the most.

I have spent many years learning as much as I can. Sometimes, it is easy to get lost in all the different technologies. With that said, these are a few roles I really enjoy.

UI/UX Development

I am an expert at UI design and UX development. I produce modern, clean applications, while creating an intuitive and easy to browse experience.

Front-End JavaScript Development

I enjoy creating front-end applications using React.js and other popular frameworks.

You can depend on me.

What can you expect?

  • Server Configuration / Monitoring

    If your application requires custom configuration, I will set up your server. To help track uptime, I can install a free monitoring solution, such as Zabbix.

  • Email Updates

    If desired, I can email you upcoming plans, and a weekly report of my tracked hours. This helps keep your project moving along at a proper pace.

  • Fast Paced

    When presented with a project, I work fast. It is my job to meet deadlines. I will work overtime and holidays to make sure your project is complete.

  • After-hour Support

    I am usually near my computer throughout all hours of the day. If you have a question, or an emergency, you can count on me to be there to help.

I am versatile.

From back-end to front-end, to operations.

My interest in Linux is initially what sparked my interest in development. I taught myself how to set up a Linux server when I was just 13 years old. Within a year, I was able to navigate the entire operating system with no problems. I spent many hours learning, compiling software, and configuring system services. Eventually, I needed to write my own scripts for automation and I learned BASH. Since then, I have learned Python for more advanced system scripts. I have even built my own Linux distributions using the Linux From Scratch book.

While I continued to learn operating systems, I wrote some HTML and read my first programming book, HTML4 for Dummies. Just a few months after that, I developed my first website using PHP and MySQL. Now, I am an expert with React.js and an advanced JavaScript Developer. Throughout my career I have written small applications, as well as contributed to enterprise applications. In my free time, I work actively with development for GrubStack.